The NU Deanship of scientific Research is pleased to announce the start of receiving the proposals of research projects for the 7th stage, starting from 20/13/1435 to 20/04/1434( extension till30/04/1437),  according to the following terms:

1. The research should be original and should not be published before or in press.

2. The research should not be taken form previously published research.

3-   The research should adhere to NU research orientations posted on the UN website  .

4. If the applicant participated in the third or fourth stage, he or she should publish his previous research before applying for this stage.

5.   The researcher shroud be at least assistant professor.

6. The researcher can only submit two researches (main or co-author); the Deanship has the right to accept one.

7-1.     Commitment  to publish in referred journals which are indexed in ISI and have impact factor,  please click here  or according to he upating terms of publishing posted on the website of the Deanship.

8. Quality of  the research proposal and the importance of its empirical findings are important issues in accepting of research proposals  
9- Filling in  all the fields of the form correctly is crucial to review the research project application. .